
3D-Printed Object: Chess Set

    For this mile stone project, I designed a mechanic chess set. The main mechanic place of this chess set is there is a part of the chess will drop down when you pick the chess up. When you pick up a chess and move it, it can possibly be the chess has been defeated. To emphasize on that, I designed the drop down part like another face of the chess characters, and make them look like crying. This shows more on the King and Queen, because they have the extend part on top like crown. The concept behind it would make more sense in this case. The peer to peer sessions helped a lot. I got feedback  on improving the designs. For example, Bishop would make more sense if it has the element of cross, and knight would make more sense with a diagonal cross which look like swords that are placed across. the fixed sketch The first sample that I did before actual chess set Printing in progress The chess that I created had A LOT of support material just because of the design, that causes the object

Reverse Engineered Object: Final

 Takes weeks of working, my realist object is finally finished! Here are some final rendering pictures: And a render picture for separations I really like hoe this object turns out at the end, even though it took a lot of grinding in the process. Th best part I liked to make was the lid and the bottom. I guess because they are not that hard compare with the middle part, but still kept some problem solving when I was making it. Rendering was really fun to do especially for the colours. LOL. Those are also only different materials that were used in this object.  Did regretting choose this object while I was making it, because the middle section is just too many details... BUT! I am happy that I kept going and had a solid finish!

Surface Design: Laser Cut Final

(final) I really enjoyed doing this project and happy to see how this turned out. Although its been too long since my last time in the thing tank( I mean when I am still in 110). I kind of forget how impress I can get to see the machine cut.  (when preparing) For preparing the cutting, I creates a back up plan because I want the part inside triangles to be as blend as possible. However, the process is not difficult as I thought to be and I cut put my cut line and engrave section together. After cutting it all makes sense to me, although I wish I did more sections of different shades of grey so it can be more blended.  Above is the video that took when I was doing the laser cutting via Google Folder.  (inspirational photo) The whole process is definitely a fun experience for me. Starting with some designs that based on real life pictures explores my possibilities. However, some designs ended up too deta

Reverse Engineered Object: Progress II

  For this week's reverse engineered object, I started building the object according to my planning.The whole progress going to be in three sections: the top(the lid), the middle(the colours) and the bottom(colour mixer).  I started with doing the top part. It was really hard at the beginning because of the smooth curve of the lid.  However, I thought about an idea using eye shadows. I scrubbed powders from eye shadows and put them on tracing paper. I opened the watercolour palette and push it down on the tracing paper as close as possible then move horizontally. In the end, I got something like this. It shows the areas that are in the same horizontal level. Although the picture beyond is not that clear, the real object has a relatively strong difference in colours which can help me build the object.  To start in rhino, I feel the side view will help me save more time. But only side view also doesn't have enough informations. So I made each in different views and combined them.

Reverse Engineered Object: Progress I

 For the Reverse Engineered Object project, I decided to do this water colour palette. Even though there is a lot of part and have some complicate curves, I still want to try to challenge myself a bit.  For the beginning stage, because the form is complicated, I plan to take it slow and start with basic shape first. The water colour palette is mainly three major parts and some details. If we don't look at the small part right now, the object itself can be separated into top, middle and bottom. Because the top is the easiest part to make (I think), I start with measuring the top first, and some of the middle just for reference when making. And taking the bottom part to the last.  Building the object in rhino is the same process. I have not start a lot in rhino yet because I still want to go back check my data one last time before I start everything. Ideally, for future process, I will double check the top layer and start building the shape. After experiencing more, I feel I will be