Reverse Engineered Object: Progress I

 For the Reverse Engineered Object project, I decided to do this water colour palette. Even though there is a lot of part and have some complicate curves, I still want to try to challenge myself a bit. 

For the beginning stage, because the form is complicated, I plan to take it slow and start with basic shape first.

The water colour palette is mainly three major parts and some details. If we don't look at the small part right now, the object itself can be separated into top, middle and bottom. Because the top is the easiest part to make (I think), I start with measuring the top first, and some of the middle just for reference when making. And taking the bottom part to the last. 

Building the object in rhino is the same process. I have not start a lot in rhino yet because I still want to go back check my data one last time before I start everything.
Ideally, for future process, I will double check the top layer and start building the shape. After experiencing more, I feel I will be more confident to get my hand on the middle and bottom part.


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