3D Printed Object: Idea Generate

On this stage of 3d printing, we need to pair up with a partner and combine our idea into 3d object.

For this project, I feel it was kind of hard to think of ideas at first. Because it is a open topic, we can do what ever we want as long as the object is hollow. Sometimes, you won't know what can you do when you can do anything. But it is a homework haha.. So I start to build things looks more realistic. If I can't think of anything else, why not just start with what I can think of?

My 6 ideas:

I'd like to link my ideas with some real objects in life. Such as the first one, I got my inspiration from the DNA model, and the 2nd one, it is a lotus like this:
Most of my objects have organic shapes and symmetrical. At the same time, actually finished my ideas a bit earlier than Trevor. This works towards our benefit in some way.

Trevor's 6 ideas:

Comparing to mine, Trevor indicates the idea that there are geometric elements in his objects. I think that was such a great idea because adding contrast like that can be really fun! Also, Trevor's objects are most likely asymmetric individuals which is great for central piece.

Since now we both have each other's object ideas. We can generate thoughts for combination.
I start that by doing some sketches.
we also test objects to see if it work when printing:
(This is a failure 3d print object idea because there is floating part at the bottom.)

While I was thinking about what are ways to build things up, I also list some pros and cons about each idea to help us make a decision. After going through each point, We decide we are going to do the first as our combination object.

In the end we choose the first one. To be honest, even though I list on the paper saying “the easiest”, it still take us some time to build it up. Because we realize when building that, no matter how we scale them, not all petal on my object can touch Trevor’s.
After that, we start going out plans like how are ways to combine them together. We came out 2: one is put petal according to the edges, the other one is put petal according to the surface. By experimenting, we turned the petal to fit the edge of the central object. Here we have a happy accident haha. If you see the bottom part of each petal, you will notice they are not connected like my original object. Instead, they are overlapping. I think that feels like the petals almost grow from the centre and bloom. As long as we fit one petal to the edge, we rotate and copy it. To get it almost perfectly surrounded, we even calculated the angle which is 360/5=72degree, then we rotate and copy it.

And here is the finished object!!!

To see Time-lapse Video:


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