Remix Culture

I believe remix culture is one of the most common media presentation styles in nowadays society. The method might not be new or surprising, but the result always amazes the viewer. Remix culture is a good to use metaphor, sarcasm and imagination in design or communicate industry. It is like a new language to me but full of abstract ideas. The product of the remix culture often gave me a sense of '1+1+3" which has the greater value than the total value of originals. Remix culture can express more thoughts by combining things. This kind of exploration makes the remix culture has more possibilities, and more exciting to communicate.

Here are some works I did in remix culture.

1. The reason why I did this piece is because I want to express the relationship between old days' expression of media and nowadays expression of media. We used to accept messages by watching drama on stage, but now we watch TV. Those are both methods of entertainment. However, it is really amazing how the method improves by time.




2. The main purpose of this piece is to show how ridiculous gambling is. I use poker and poker chip, two common things in Casino or any other gamble place, to represent gambling. The box is a treasure safe which is use to lock valuable things inside. The owner of the safe decide to lock the poker card and the chip which indicates gambling is important to the owner.  However, the chip or the card doesn't have any valuable meaning even in the safe.

treasure safe box:

poker chip:

poker cards:

3. The book represents the knowledge. And the flower represents the use of the knowledge which can be charming and amazing. I intend to show how important reading books and receiving knowledge is and what kind of impact can it affects.



4. I made this piece to imply the massive development of out transportation, specifically planes. The plane become part of the water come from the spray bottle. I want to gave the impression that planes are like the water, which has spread wide and impact more. At the same time, we can not live without plane nowadays. 

spray bottle:


5. This is a funny one did. I want to express this kind of shopping bag which is meant for shopping since it got the grabbing hand and high heal shoes. There is the urge of purchasing coming form the hand. And desire of trend item coming from the shoe.




6. This is the piece that combining toothbrush and mushroom. My intension to this is showing the importance to brush your teeth. I choose mushroom because it is a good topic to show where is wet and dirty. We need to brush our teeth constantly. Otherwise, see what can you brush out from your teeth. XD




7. This work is done according to the current situation which is COVID-19. The knife on the mask is a warning which means don't accept close contact.  



8. This piece is a combination of utility knife and blowing bubble gum. The utility knife is always sharp, and I used that to represent toughness. The bubble gum has a bit playful character, I used to represent tenderness. For this work I tried to express that some people may looks tough and unpleasant outside, but they might be sweet, soft and warm inside.

utility knife:

bubble gum:

9. Tape is one of common and easy tools inner daily life. I use the tape to combine with the road which express how easy can a road be pulled out in modern society.

tape case: 


10. The last one is a representation of 'Time is Valuable'. The piggy bank is always the place that we put in our money. And we keep it, we value it. I use the clock to represent time and I shape it as a coin that we can put in the piggy bank. Therefore, time is belonged in our little bank and we should value it.

piggy bank:



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