
Showing posts from September, 2021

Remix Culture

I believe remix culture is one of the most common media presentation styles in nowadays society. The method might not be new or surprising, but the result always amazes the viewer. Remix culture is a good to use metaphor, sarcasm and imagination in design or communicate industry. It is like a new language to me but full of abstract ideas. The product of the remix culture often gave me a sense of '1+1+3" which has the greater value than the total value of originals. Remix culture can express more thoughts by combining things. This kind of exploration makes the remix culture has more possibilities, and more exciting to communicate. Here are some works I did in remix culture. 1. The reason why I did this piece is because I want to express the relationship between old days' expression of media and nowadays expression of media. We used to accept messages by watching drama on stage, but now we watch TV. Those are both methods of entertainment. However, it is really amazing how t


    The documentary: Objectified by Gary Hustwit is a very successful video that indicates the definition of design comprehensively. Design is the solution that improve our daily life. Therefore, design brings a lot into economic level as well. People tend to purchase objects that are new and well designed, not only for the convenience when using it, but also for distinguishing themselves with others.  One of the most common examples is cars. People's adoration and comparison to the cars make them become performance objects. In the documentary, former design director of BMW group, Chris Bangle indicates that, the real challenges of car design are going to be addressing the future generations perception of what they want cars to be in their lives . Our car can be the description of ourselves. Such as what does the car shows about me or how is this car matches with me. This also makes me to think what kind of car can represent me in the future, which inspired the visual object I am